Association for Social and Health Advancement (ASHA) is a nonprofit, service organization registered under Andhra Pradesh Society’s Registration Act. Its primary aim is to promote skill training for school dropout and semiliterate and illiterate girls and boys to make them employable. We also give priority for non-formal education, health and income generating activities for all underprivileged and disadvantaged people without any distinction of creed, colour, community or language. ASHA assists, guides and supports in areas like Action oriented projects, evaluation, monitoring, consultancy, system development, survey design, training and operations research studies related to education, health, population and social development. And also provides consultancy for skill development, Educational and health projects. ASHA would keep liaison with government and other agencies involved in the promotion of holistic development. And maintain good professional relationship with other NGOs, those who are working for under privileged people.

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Integrated and all round development of the people of the society so that they can live better and a prosperous life.

To make people self reliant on community basis through mobilization of local resources.